
Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing

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Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing


DApp which uses proof of quality for cyber threat intelligence sharing and validation.

The contract have following functions:

  1. Allow users to submit an IOC
    struct IOC {
        address submitter;
        IOType iocType;
        string iocData;
        bool validated;
        QualityParameters quality;
  1. Select a pool of validators

The selection of the validators is performed by the validator selection mechanism (VSM) The initial validator is selected by Identity-based Selection based on their identity and proven trustworthiness outside the blockchain network. For instance, they might be well-known and respected organizations or individuals.

  1. Allow a validator to validate an IoC with quality parameters using proof of quality mechanism

The quality parameters are as follows:

Extensiveness: Evaluates how many optional parameters are flled in False positives: Determines how often feeds are invalidated

Verifability: Expresses is a feed is linked with primary sources of information

Intelligence: Indicates how much added value a feed ofers in the information by linking it to other objects

Interoperability: Measures if a CTI feed follows a specifc data format to provide the data

Syntactic accuracy: Determines how compliant a feed is to the standard which is followed

Originality Evaluates: how unique the entries of each feed are

Timeliness Analyses: how soon a CTI feed is releasing information in comparison of the initial date of the malicious activity

Impact Measures: the consequences to an organisation if the information from a feed is applied

Standardisation Measures how much of free text is used in the feed’s objects

4: Calculate consensus for measuring validator performance

If IOC is satisfying the quality then write to block.

Inspired by the amazing research paper by Dimitrios Chatziamanetoglou and Konstantinos Rantos: Blockchain-Based Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing Using Proof-of-Quality Consensus